Thanks to the good organization of Hazel Walton the day went smooth and easy. We pitched out tent by 9:00 and put all our non Lancia items for sale. Surprisingly a lot of them sold fast and well covered the fees. The weather was good, and so was the turnout, the Vintage Ford car club as there in full force, the Renault club showed all their beautifully restored vehicles. 2 Rover V8 came down from the West cost, while the roof removal was certainly not original, it was nevertheless very professionally done. And it was driven by a girl with 3 guys in tow ( even though she turned out to be their mom :) )
As usual the Italian car department was very scarcely populated, a few Ferrari, Alfas and Fiats but in no organized fashion, and a dilapidated Fulvia next to an immaculate and original Capri.
More pictures are on: